Thursday, February 12, 2015

Black Facing

      Black facing lasted for many years in the U.S. before people started to realize how offensive it really was. In the past it was not really frowned upon because it was the norm. In today's society however, doing such things would be consider racist.  African americas realized that if they wanted to be a part of "the industry" that they would have to go along with this trend.

       Joséphine Baker was one of these individuals. In order for her to have a career in America, she had to paint her face to fit the norm of society. Over time though, she made a name of herself in Paris. I feel happy that people like Joséphine were able to make names for themselves and move past the unjust action that our society had placed on her. In the end, today's society would never let such a thing as "black facing" last as long as it did.

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